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Become a customer

All new customers must register in advance to access our extensive stock selection, in line with our strict FLORIST TRADE ONLY policy. Upon successful registration, you're welcome to visit our premises in Nottingham for a guided tour. This offers an excellent chance to meet our team and understand our operations, ensuring you can fully utilize what Flowervision Nottingham can offer your business.



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    As we only serve the flower/plant trade we require proof you are a legitimate business - please upload a photo of your business card, or an invoice to your company

    Why register?

    Flowervision Nottingham takes pride in delivering the freshest, highest-quality cut flowers, plants, and a wide array of sundries. Our commitment extends to unparalleled customer service, with experienced staff boasting years of knowledge in the flower trade. Each department, from flowers to plants to sundries, is supported by dedicated teams, including a specialized wedding/pre-order team.

    • First-rate floristry wholesaler
    • The freshest stock
    • Next day delivery